Mix Tape By Brett Witty Copyright (c) Brett Witty, 2005. All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT NOTICE: You will need the latest version of the TADS 3 Players kit to play this game. It is available for download at http://www.tads.org/t3dl.htm If you are getting an error about a missing grammarprod, then you need to update your TADS 3 interpreter. BLURB For those with a love -- nay, an obsession with music, the creating a mix tape can be seen as a legitimate form of poetry. It's poetry with someone else's words but with your own personal emphasis and interpretation. I wanted to explore the idea of a mix tape in IF, but with my own twist. So I present to you... Mix Tape. This is not a game for those new to IF; the game doesn't involve anything too complicated, but this is not a good introduction to IF. Also, Mix Tape is a work of interactive fiction with heavy emphasis on story, so if you're an avid puzzler who hates story-based games, you might not get a lot out of this game. Nevertheless, I hope my little experiment brings you enjoyment and poetry. HINTS AND HELP There is an in-game hint menu that can be accessed via HINTS or HELP. This will bring you to a menu with hints for the current section of the game, as well as extra information about the game. If you are new to IF, or are not familiar with TADS 3, type INSTRUCTIONS. This will give you instructions on how to interact with the game. In this distribution there is a file "walkthru.txt" that lists the raw commands needed to get from the start of the game to the end. "fullwalk.txt" includes all the text that would have popped up. There are other informative commands available: ABOUT, CREDITS, LEGAL and ARTISTS. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR I am reachable at shorokin@hotmail.com. I welcome all (constructive) comments and criticism. If you're curious about my credentials, in the HELP there is a menu option with a brief bio. LEGAL NOTES Mix Tape is (c) Copyright Brett Witty, 2005. All rights reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. All trademarks appearing in this work remain the property of the ir respective owners. This work is provided as-is, with no warranties provided of any kind.