Puzzle 0: When you hear the alien nearby, hide. When you hear the alien in the distance, move cautiously. When you hear the alien kill someone, run. Puzzle 1: Pour the right bucket into the small bucket (3, 1, 3). Pour the small bucket into the left bucket (6, 1, 0). Pour the right bucket into the small bucket (6, 0, 1). Pour the left bucket into the right bucket (2, 4, 1). Pour the right bucket into the small bucket (2, 2, 3). Puzzle 2: A1 - LIES A2 - ADDERS A3 - REDS A4 - KAYAKS D1 - LARK D2 - IDEALS D3 - EDDY D4 - SESAME Puzzle 3: If the guard responds well to "Hey, man, how is your shift going?": "These guard-duty shifts can be so long. You must be looking forward to taking a break." -> "Say, do you want me to take over for you?" If the guard responds well to "General wants to see you.": "He didn't say why, but it sounded urgent." -> "I don't ask the General questions and neither should you." If the guard responds well to "The mess is on fire!": "There was a mishap with a toaster and the whole kitchen went up. Lotta grease in there, you know." -> "It's out of control! We need all the manpower we can get!" Puzzle 4: Charity is the saboteur. Her shoe size is 8 and she was wearing black. Puzzle 5: Fill the large bucket (9, 0). Pour into the small bucket (5, 4). Empty the small bucket (5, 0). Pour from the large bucket into the small bucket (1, 4). Empty the small bucket (1, 0). Pour from the large bucket into the small bucket (0, 1). Fill the large bucket (9, 1). Pour from the large bucket into the small bucket (6, 4). Puzzle 6: Ask the kids for help with the bakery. Ask the annoyed woman for help with the men's accessories salesman. Ask the cattle merchant for help with the ceramics. The password is SUPER STAR. Puzzle 7: ♥/& equals 7. ⚡/# equals 5. ‽/@ equals 3. ★/* equals 15. Puzzle 8: The left door is the safe one. Puzzle 9: Blank paper: Read the journal. The option to hold the paper up to the fire will then appear. Troll/Crystal: Once you find the crystal with a piece of paper in it, the option to ask the troll to smash it will appear. Ghost: Once you have the burnt piece of paper, the option to show it to the ghost will appear. Man looking for rare minerals: Give him the shattered crystal after the troll breaks it. He will give you a magnifying glass. Treasure chest: Once you have the magnifying glass, you will be able to use it on the treasure chest. Puzzle 10: Fantasy words: "dragon", "unicorn", "phoenix", "griffin", "chimera", "manticore", "fairy" Space words: "quasar", "nebula", "galaxy", "planet", "asteroid", "meteor", "black hole" Pirate words: "jamaica", "trinidad", "aruba", "antigua", "haiti", "bermuda", "anguilla" Archaeology words: "babylon", "egypt", "nubia", "greece", "assyria", "nazca", "sumer" Puzzle 11: This one's a fakeout. After four moves the protagonist will find a more creative solution, no matter what you do. Puzzle 12: The first cipher is an unshifted Polybius square that resolves to "PASSWORD." The second is a Polybius square with the keyword(s) "ACID BURN", which resolves to "TO THE STARS".