This file contains only those moves necessary to win the game, please use it only as a last resort. First, answers to a few questions: How do I get in the house? Try searching the driveway How do I open the door in the master bedroom? You need the key, it's in the small wooden box How do I open the small wooden box? You can't open it yourself, you need help. Perhaps there's something that could crush it Ever see what the pet can do to a turkey? A cat? But the pet won't eat it if its not food Try putting the small box in the rotting meat and then feeding it to the pet. It's dark! Where Can I find a light? There are two sources of light in the game there is an oil lamp in the secret chamber there is a flashlight in the wardrobe in the master bedroom Is there anything important in the Library? Take a close look at the books. Try taking Jane Fonda's Workout. How do I open the trap door under the pool table? Take a close look at all the balls and all the pockets. Put the odd ball in the odd pocket. Who's Mary-Anne? Try searching the bones in the Family Room. How do I find her? The prof won't accept that she's dead. You'll have to find a replacement. Something cat-sized. Try putting the collar on the imp and giving it to the professor How do I get past the statues? The professor knows how. Get the amulet from him. Hey! I dropped something and now it's gone! Yep. Someone stole it. Don't worry you can get it back. Look in the wine cellar. Behind the rack. How do I get past the thing in the well? Music sooths the savage beast. Try playing the music box. How do I stop the gibbering horror. Read the Mortis Majika for complete instructions. 1st blow up the stones. 2nd speak the word of power. BEGIN WALKTHROUGH: open door; exit; search gravel; take worn key; n; unlock front door with key; open front door; n; e; examine magazines; w; w; take Jane Fonda; w; unlock desk with small key; open desk; take old journal; read old journal; read first entry in old journal read second entry in old journal read third entry in old journal read last entry in old journal take lamp open pocket take lighter light lamp e; n; e; open fridge; take meat; w; s; e; u; w; w; open desk; take tiny key; look under bed; unlock diary with tiny key; read first entry in diary; read second entry in diary; read third entry in diary; read fourth entry in diary; read last entry in diary; e; n; open end table; take small box; s; e; e; e; open wardrobe; take flashlight; turn on flashlight; turn off lamp; w; w; d; e; put small box in meat; put meat in doggie-door; take small box; open small box; take iron key; search bones; take collar; n; open cabinet; take wild turkey; drop wild turkey; z; take imp; put collar on imp; put imp in pocket; !!You should take the imp again should s; !!It ever escape from your pocket w; u; e; e; unlock small door with iron key; open door; s; take steel key; u; examine madman; take imp; give imp to madman; unlock chains with steel key; wear amulet; thank professor; d; n; w; w; d; w; n; take nine-ball; put nine-ball in far right pocket; d; e; e; s; take map; take music box; open mortis; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; read mortis; turn page; n; w; w; u; e; open patio door; n; push back door; n; n; drop all; take music box; take flashlight; open music box; turn on music box; turn handle; d; d; n; take crate; s; put crate in bucket; u; u; turn handle; open crate; take dynamite; take map; n; n; light dynamite; throw dynamite at stones; z; z; z; z; z; z; z; yawaog;