It's official! The First Ever (And Maybe The Only) IF Mini-Competition (TFE(AMTO)IFM-C) has begun! Grab the premise (premise.txt in this directory) and have at! Here's the rough schedule of events: May 19th: Premise posted and uploaded; those lucky few with fast feeds start work early. May 20th: Contest officially begins. May 20th-June20th: IF authors around the globe frantically work on their (short) masterpieces, based on said premise. June 20th: Contest sumission deadline. Authors must submit game file and source code (any authoring system will do) to me by this date. Authors can either: E-mail me (, attaching the game. E-mail me and tell me where to find it. E-mail me and ask me where to upload it. E-mail me and explain that they don't have e-mail access, and could they please make other arrangements? June 22nd or thereabouts: All game files uploaded to gmd, probably to reside in the archive/games/mini-comp/ directory. June 22nd - July 22nd: Leigons of adoring fans play the resulting masterworks, e-mailing me with their favorites and write-ins. July 22nd or thereabouts: Voting ends. Some time after that: Winners announced, source code uploaded to gmd, a tired lpsmith goes to bed.