Index: if-archive/games/mini-comps/smoochie

A reviewed mini-comp run in 2001 by Emily Short. The theme was love and romance.

3 Files

pytho.z8 [23-Feb-2002]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Pytho's Mask

Pytho's Mask, by Emily Short. Release 3 / Serial number 020223. (a Glulx version is in games/glulx/pytho.blb) [file is linked from games/zcode/pytho.z8] [14-Feb-2001]
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IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
IFWiki: 1981 (game), August, Dead of Winter, Pytho's Mask, The Tale of the Kissing Bandit, Voices

All the games entered into Emily Short's SmoochieComp 2001:

  • 1981 by A.D. McMlxxxi
  • August by Matt Fendahleen
  • Bantam by Eric Mayer
  • Dead of Winter by Christina Pagniacci (Gunther Schmidl)
  • Pytho's Mask by Emily Short
  • Second Honeymoon by Roger Ostrander
  • Sparrow's Song by J.D. Berry
  • The Tale of the Kissing Bandit by Cary Valentino (J. Robinson Wheeler)
  • Voices by Aris Katsaris
voices.z5 [05-May-2001]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Voices

Voices, an Interactive Romance, by Aris Katsaris. Release 2 / Serial number 010504