A hint reader that lets you look up individual hints from the Scott Adams hint sheets in AdamsHints.tar.Z without having to decode them manually, a compiler to create those hint files, and the Scott Adams hints. C source code and Archimedes executables by David Lodge. [file is linked to solutions/AdamsHintReader.zip]
Complete hint sheets (not walkthroughs) to all the Scott Adams adventures published by Adventure International, including the code key from the end of Savage Island II by David Librik, with additions by Paul David Doherty. The hints are coded so you don't accidentally read more than you want to. [file is linked to solutions/AdamsHints.tar.Z]
Same as above, but with DOS CRLFs as line separators. [file is linked to solutions/AdamsHints.zip]
Walkthroughs for 12 Scott Adams adventures [file is linked to solutions/adamssol.zip]
The offical hints, taken from the original AI hint sheets (in rich text format) and maps (in GUEmap format) for all the Scott Adams' games, compiled by Julian Fleetwood. [file is linked to solutions/SAhints.zip]